What is Colorblindness?

Color blindness is a condition in which an individual has a difficult time seeing certain colors or a combination of specific colors. It is highly unusual that an individual will see no color whatsoever. The condition is also called a color vision problem. Because the condition affects the way an individual perceives their world, it can impact every area of life. Color blindness may make it more difficult to learn and read. Likewise, it could make certain careers nearly impossible. Nonetheless, individuals can learn to overcome the issue and even make up for their issues viewing certain colors.

How is it Diagnosed?

Although there are a number of tests available to identify color vision defects, the most common is called the Ishihara or pseudoisochromatic plate test. The test was developed by Dr. Shinobu Ishihara in 1917. This test assesses for red/green color blindness, which is the most common form of color vision deficiency. During the test, the patient is asked to look at a series of circles comprised of colored dots and to identify the pattern, usually a number or letter, that is contained in the image. Individuals who are unable to make out the images are diagnosed with color blindness.

Am I Colorblind?

There are tests available that allow individuals to be diagnosed with specific types of color blindness. The Ishihara Color Test tests for the most common color vision impairment: red-green color blindness. It involves a series of colored circles in different colors and sizes. Within the circle are dots that form pictures easily seen by those with normal color vision but difficult to those with red-green color blindness. Click here to take a free Ishihara Color Test.

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